Television today

From the years of broadcasting technology was invented, television has been bringing an enormous change to the broad human civilization. The technology has given us a new way of life that we found it gets much easier to access visual information as well as a new creative ways of entertaining people by broadcasting act of soap operas, situation comedies, variety shows over the nation. Until now, television shows has been becoming a great and promising sector of industry anywhere in the world.

i always enjoy watching. i grew up in a family that sits together on the couch and watches tv’s primetime in the night or heroic figure shows after schools in the afternoon. Back in the 1990’s until early 2000’s, tv shows in indonesia were good, there were some insightful mind-blowing documentary like “Fact or fiction”, some of them were educating like “Keluarga Cemara” or even entertaining like “Gerhana” or “Jin & Jun (3D)” :). Ok there were some sinetrons too, but the amount was always appropriate (maybe 1-2 hours in primetime) and the story was quite interesting that it was still fun to watch.

But nowadays i rarely found myself watching broadcast television except only for news channel. The content of the most tv channels have been degrading and way less educating, they’ve been putting reality shows that fools ourselves, tons of infotainment, non-stop sinetrons from 6-11 pm everyday. it’s hard to watch, really. Now when i was at home, me and my brothers would rather sit in front of the computers surfing internet all night or get busy with our cellphones. That is actually kind of sad because there’s no bonding moment that we usually do in front the tv anymore, no more all the laughing or commenting about the shows like it used to be.

Well, i guess it is not all the tv producers to blame, i mean they put shows based on the rating, and good rating means more profits to them, no matter how crappy the shows are. Nothing we can really do about that.

I guess we should just start subscribing cable television then =)

Newbie kk

Hah, akhirnya bikin blog juga. Sebenarnya udah dari dulu pengen buat blog, entah kenapa selalu inspired ketika liat blog-blog teman atau figur publik dengan berbagai cerita dan keunikannya

Isi blog saya mungkin akan sangat random, scattered all over the place, quote-quote labil, atau cerita membosankan, haha. Saya agak kurang berminat posting-posting hal yang serius semacam politik atau ekonomi, disamping emang masih banyak yang lebih capable dan competent dari saya mengenai hal-hal tersebut, juga memang tujuan saya buat blog ini hanya untuk melatih menulis dengan baik dan menuangkan apa yang ada di otak ke dalam suatu tulisan aja kok, tapi gak menutup kemungkinan juga sih suatu saat saya pengen nulis politik atau ekonomi mungkin saat ada hal-hal yang sangat heboh terjadi misalnya nurdin halid jadi calon presiden dan ibu ani yudhoyono jadi saingannya,haha

jadi ya sesuai ama judul post ini, tolong maklumi saja saya masih newbie kk 😉 baiklah, doakan saja newbie ini suatu saat akan bisa posting sesuatu yang bermanfaat, amin. baiklah sebagai penutup post pertama ini saya akan memberikan satu quote cukup labil dari seorang Kenneth the Page di serial TV 30 Rock : “don’t be as useless as your mother’s degree” (-__-“)

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